
Showing posts from May, 2022

Last Week of School

Good Afternoon, I hope everyone has had a wonderful, and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. It's a sure sign that summer is right around the corner. As we head into the final week of the school year tomorrow I just wanted to send a few reminders for the week as well as some recaps to the school year.  Tuesday - We will be having mini courses, and students will be cleaning out some of their bins today as well. If you want to send an extra bag to school for some of these items feel free, otherwise I will have some bags for kids to use for their materials as well. Students will also be working on coming up with their summer plan to continue to work on their writing skills as well. Wednesday - We will finish any cleaning out of students work spaces and lockers on this day to avoid bringing lots of things home on the last day because I know it can be chaotic on that day. Students will be coming up with a math and reading summer plan on this day to help them continue to maintain their growth

Last Full Week of School Completed...How?!?

Good Afternoon, As students finished their i-Ready testing this week the sense of relief you could see on their faces was evident. 3rd Grade is such a big transition year for students as they make a significant jump from the primary grades with the rigor of state testing being introduced followed by lots of end of year testing as well. The sense of relief that they have completed it was one thing, but the jubilation and excitement of seeing how much they have grown from the beginning of the year was awesome. We talked as a class how I am able to see everyday how much growth they are making in the classroom, and these assessments are a way for them to show off to others how much growth they are making. I couldn't be more proud of their daily efforts and willingness to be pushed to help make such great growth this year, and they should all feel so proud of themselves as well with a much deserved Field Day of activities this afternoon to end the week today. Week in Review: Writing: Wr

Spring in Full Swing Now

Good Afternoon, The weather outside has finally changed to where it feels like spring, and the students couldn't be more excited. I am really proud of their continued work ethic and effort each day because it can can challenging when the weather warms up to keep that motivation to keep growing daily in school. It was a great week, and it's hard to believe we are running out of school days this school year. The students have been fantastic, and I am looking forward to finishing the school year strong continuing to push to reach our goals! Week in Review: Writing: Writers finished their realistic fiction stories, and its amazing to see the growth they have made as storytellers from the beginning of the year to now! They will now be taking their realistic fiction story, and using that as the first book as writers began planning out a full series of realistic fiction stories to end this week. Math: The mathematicians have been persevering through story problems, and learning to r

First Week of May in the Books

Good Afternoon, As we complete the first week of May it dawned on me that group of 3rd graders is in the final month of a school year that was considered "normal" since they were in kindergarten.  To not only reflect back on this past school year, and the growth that has been made, but thinking back over the last two school years where this group of students has grown is phenomenal. Studies say students who are 3rd graders this school year were the students most affected by the pandemic in their schooling because of the age and timing they went through it at. Considering all the growth students have made that time is tremendous, but I think it goes to show how resilient and persistent this group of students will always be, and their growth this year is evident of that. I am so proud of all of them, and looking forward to making the most of our time we have left this school year. Week in Review: Writing: Writers took on some serious revision work in their realistic fiction st