First Week of School Blog!


First Week!

Hello Families,

The first day of school is approaching and I can not wait to get this school year started. This year will be as special as ever, and I am looking forward to the learning journey we will be on together with your child.

As always if you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. This year I'm sure will feel different in many ways for your child, but I’m also hoping that they will find some normalcy in our routines as we get back to school. Please feel free to reach out if your child is feeling especially anxious for the first day or if there is anything I can do to help make them feel more comfortable. 


  • Your child should bring a water bottle! The first weeks of school can get hot and stuffy. The bubblers in school are no longer connected for drinking out of, but it is available as a water bottle fill-up station. Please send the water bottle filled with water each day (this will just cut down at time at the bubblers filling up to start the day.) If possible, write your child’s name on the bottle in permanent marker in case it gets misplaced.
  • Feel free to send your child with a packaged snack each day (it can be prepackaged from a store, in a ziploc bag, or container.) We eat lunch pretty late this year -- at 12:35! -- so students are welcome to have their snack around 9:00 in the morning. Students will not be sharing snack. 
  • At 7:35am, the two NDLC doors will open and students should head right down to our classroom. The doors will not open before then. If you're dropping off your child, it can be anywhere from 7:35-7:50 at those NDLC doors. If it is after 7:50, they should go to the main doors as they did last year.  If they are unsure where the room is, someone will help them get there!
  • It will be helpful to practice wearing a face mask before the first day. This might help them be more comfortable with wearing it :)
  • NDLC third graders will be dismissed at 3:08
  • Agendas / Google Calendar: we're planning on getting logged onto Google Calendar at the end of the week. 
    • When it is set up (most likely Friday), we'll email you an invitation to have access to your child's calendar so you can check what their homework is each night or any reminders.
    • Tuesday's homework will be for your child to find some authentic writing at home that they or a family member did! This could be any kind of writing - emails, thank you notes, grocery lists, writing on a whiteboard, recipe cards, journals, etc. If it is small enough, they can bring the writing in, otherwise they can just be ready to share what they found at home. We're hoping this will help students see that writing is all around them, done by people all around them! 
  • Forms to be looking for the first week:
    • Yellow chromebook agreement form to be signed and returned
    • Pink Emergency School Closing form to be filled out and returned (if you did not fill it out during 1 on 1's) 
    • Green Seesaw form to be signed and returned
    • Updated class schedule (to stay at home)
  • Picture Day is September 30th. You can preorder and pay for pictures online or download the PDF to bring on picture day. (Picture retake day is November 11th)
  • Interested in ordering some NDLC wear? Check out the store here. Orders are due September 2nd!

Coming Up:

September 1: First day of school!!

September 2: NDLC merchandise order deadline

September 7: NO SCHOOL

September 25: NO SCHOOL

September 30: Picture Day

Here is also an updated version of our class schedule.

Please don't hesitate to reach out for anything.

All the best,

Mr. VW


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