Week 3 is a Wrap!

 Good Afternoon,

I hope this finds everyone well and healthy as we start to transition to fall outside. With a full week of learning gone, we were able to get so much learning done this week, and the growth and progress is evident as the students are responding well to pushing themselves to be their best self. I'm very proud of our classroom community we are establishing as we all learn how to work best with each other so everyone can be successful.

Classroom Updates:

Reading: We made the transition this week to not only learning how to make our reading life the best, but how readers understand stories. We do this by checking ourselves for comprehension (did that make sense?), asking ourselves what mind work is this part asking me to do, and lastly making predictions based off of what has happened and how stories tend to go!

Writing: This week we finished up our personal narrative stories, and began the planning process towards our realistic fiction stories. It was great to see all of the ideas come up for these stories, and I am really looking forward to the students bringing their stories to life!

Math: We had our first Quick Quiz on the year and the results were amazing! Everyone has worked so hard, and the results spoke from themselves. Check out your child's Seesaw to see them talk through their Quiz, and you can also find a copy of it in their take home folder today.

Calendar Updates:

Thursday, 9/24: Virtual Family Night 5:45-7:00. Please see the Purple Sheet that was sent home with all the information on this fun and exciting night planned!

Friday, 9/25: No School for students.

Wednesday, 9/30: Picture Day 😎

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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