2021 is off and Running!

 Good Afternoon,

It was a great feeling being back in the classroom with everyone after the winter break, and the students adjusted very nicely to getting back in routines as we were able to hit the ground running with the new year. This is time of year with lots of mid year things coming up, but it's the daily process of being with everyone that allows us to really focus in and enjoy the growth we are working for each day.

Week in Review:

Math: Students worked on multiplication and division facts, problems, and games! Our unit test is coming up, and students confidence is growing as we are heading into the end of our unit. 

Writing: The writers completed yet another opinion piece just this week! They have such great energy in writing as they are passionate about writing to make a change!

Reading: We began our study of characters in our books, and working to back up our ideas we have with text evidence!

Content: Students began to learn about the History of First People and First Nations in North America! Test out their knowledge!

A Look Ahead:

i Ready Testing: We will be taking the Math test Wednesday and Reading test Thursday. It's important to make sure students get a good night sleep, and breakfast those days as they can be long periods of time sitting and having to focus on doing their best! Reach out if you have any questions on the diagnostic.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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