First Week of May in the Books!

 Good Afternoon,

As a class we started this week off with a whole class conversation about wanting to end the school year strong. We discussed how hard we have all worked this year, and making sure we end the school year the right way will lead us into a successful summer and a great start into 4th Grade. The end of the year also means end of year assessments, which will show just how much we have grown since the beginning of the year. I hope that some relaxed "homework assignments" will help everyone stay energized, engaged, and focused while we are in the classroom these final few weeks!

Week in Review:

Math: The students have been working hard taking a part problems, and really thinking about what it is asking. The 3rd graders will have completed every single unit for 3rd grade by the end of next week! 

Writing: Writers finished their first Fairy Tales adaptations, and moved on to their second one where they were able to choose which Fairy Tale they wanted to adapt! It has been such a great unit to see high engagement this time of year, and the creativity students are coming up with in their narrative writing.

Reading: Readers have been adding all week to our class anchor chart about lessons and ideas that books teach us, and we ended the week thinking about how we can apply that to make our classroom and school a better place. 

A Look Ahead:

  • i-Ready End of Year Testing will be next Tuesday and Thursday, with reading being first and math second. It is important for students to get a good night's rest and a breakfast as we will be taking these in the morning. 
  • Students will have a reward next Friday to conclude their end of "computer testing" for this school year! Stay tuned for which movie the students vote for!
  • Student Council came up with a word to countdown the end of the year. The word is: Perseverance. Their will be dress up days starting next week for students to participate in should they choose. A flyer will be sent home early next week. In addition to the dress up days, students will have an activity in school to go with each day!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mr. VW


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