A Pivot in Our Learning

 Good Afternoon,

As we transitioned to virtual learning today, and through next week in brings on new challenges for everyone. I want to say it was amazing to see the students through Google Meet, and for those that were able to join they navigated the first day extremely well. Their are always going to be hiccups and nothing will be perfect, but one of the most important things I have learned through virtual teaching/learning is trying to keep engagement high, and students excitement about learning high each day, which will be our goal this next week.

Tips for Virtual:

Writing: Making sure students have the extra papers, and plans near them so we can maximize that writing time because writing can be difficult virtually, but will have them with their partners to help keep engagement high and they can share ideas with them right away.

Math: We will continue daily to practice their math facts on Xtra Math. This is routine for students at this point, and from their will have extra opportunities for practice on Splash Learn as well some whole class problems to review concepts we have covered as a class working for that strong understanding.

Reading: Students should have some post-its and pen/pencil near them while they are reading non-fiction because this is a reminder for them to make sure they are jotting down the main idea for when they reach the end of a chapter or section to help push our thinking while we are reading. They will also have time for fiction reading as well, and any additional time spent reading beyond is always a bonus. If you are looking for additional reading materials should they get through their books please let me know, and I'll be sure to share some resources.

A look Ahead:

  • Week of November 8th-12th Virtual Learning

That's all for this week! 

Have a great weekend,

Mr. VW


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