Return to In-Person Learning!

 Good Afternoon,

As we wrap up a week of virtual learning, I can say with great excitement that we will be back in school on Monday. Virtual can bring so many challenges that go beyond just learning through a Google Meet, where it has forced families to completely change around their schedules and routines, and I just want to say thank you for your continued support and flexibility as we all navigated the past week. It will bring me so much joy to see all of the smiling faces coming down the hallway, as it can be quite lonely in a classroom without the joy and energy that kids bring in to it everyday. 

Week in Review:

Writing: Writers continued their informational writing where they are able to teach readers on the topic of their choosing. We will wrap up this unit next week, and will end with celebrations for the writers to display all of their teaching.

Math: Students reviewed concepts we have covered in class as we look to grasp a strong understanding on the nuts and bolts of multiplication and division.

Reading: Readers have been working on their nonfiction reading skills to identify the main idea of a section/chapter/whole text, while also continuing to build their volume and stamina in fiction reading as well.

A Look Ahead:

  • Funset Money is due on Monday! If you're family is planning on attending, please return the form sent home with money on Monday!
  • Conferences Tuesday, November 16th
  • Early Dismissal (11:30) Friday, November 19th 

Have a great weekend,

Mr. VW


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